What is the Civilzation VI Modding Knowledge Base?

Lua modding in Civilization VI is notably harder than in previous iterations. This can be attributed to a number of factors: a smaller set of methods that directly affect gameplay, the split between gameplay and UI scripts, and the issue I’d like to address—a lack of documentation.

While there ARE existing solutions—notably ChimpanG’s Modding Companion—editability, and comprehensiveness are a bit lacking. For instance, while there is a list of arguments and returns, they are sometimes inaccurate, or incomplete, and we as the end users, are unable to fix that. Hopefully, as this website is driven by a series of Markdown files hosted on Github, this will allow for more comprehensive descriptions of objects and methods, and will retain editability via forking even if I happen to abandon the project.

The Knowledge base is driven by Obsidian. If you download the files for offline use or editing. It is recommended you use Obsidian for ease of navigation and editing. Naturally this project also uses Obsidian’s flavor of Markdown.

How do I contribute?

See here for an intro how contributing works on Github. If you expect to be a regular editor, feel free to contact me to be invited as a collaborator. You should only be working in the Master branch (or further branches of it). Please restrict yourself to editing and creating Markdown files. It is recommended you use Obsidian to at least help you navigate the datatbase.